Hello my name is shy and I’m 29 years old and from Houston Texas I am asking for a prayer and deliverance the reason why I need Deliverance because I believe I have a demonic Spirit that’s over me it’s like it speaks to me I know that’s sound crazy but I am a woman of God I praise God every chance I can I talk to God everyday to ask him to deliver me from this evil demonic spirit thats over my body with my mouth I give God praise and glory but in my mind I’m saying I don’t love God going deep down in my heart I really do love God and I give him the glory and I pray and thank you everyday I also believe I have a callen ever since I was a young girl I’ve been wanting to speak in tongue into anoint people with my tongue and still to this day it’s at the tip of my tongue but for some reason I just can’t let it out I know that’s not anything to brag about but that’s something that I believe that God wants me to do I just wish the world will wake up and realize we are living in the end of time so please pray for me and all humankind hopefully you reach back out